
WorthingtonScott was started in Austin, Texas and now serves mutliple cities in the Texas area.

If you recently lost a tree and need that ugly stump removed please contact us as we are traveling in the Houston area now.

Telephone Number:
Cell: 512-797-9637

Servicing most large metro areas in Texas including Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas and more!

Electronic Mail:
First Name (req)

Last Name (req)

Address (req)


City (req)

State (req)

Zip Code (req)

Phone (req)

Email (req)

How many stumps need to be removed? (req)

What is the diameter of the largest tree stump? (Enter in inches)

In addition to the stump, are there any roots on the surface you need removed?*
Yes No

Where are the stump(s) located?
Front Yard Back Yard Side Yard

If access to the stump is through a gate, what is the width of the opening (in inches)?

Choose the appropriate status for this project:

When would you like us on the job:

What type of location is this?
Business Residential

If residential, do you own the home?
Yes No




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